Justin Roiland ruined Gravity Falls

No.95844005 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've kept my mouth shut for a long time but i think we need to take a good hard look at Alex Hirsch and his toxic friendship with master hack Justin Roiland. Alex had a stable future and a hit show with Disney until he started hanging out with this four eyes little nillhist edgelord faggot. You can literally pinpoint Gravity falls violent downward spiral as well as Alex's to the moment he met Roiland and started hanging out with the cunt. You all blamed Disney,you blamed executives,you blamed the censors you even blamed that walking fleshlight Manzi for ruining the show. all these were false. You wanna know who ruined Gravity falls? You wanna know who turned Alex into a stumbling bumbling twitter ranting little unemployed drunk who's stuck writing for pokemon,a sad little bum who will NEVER have his own show again? Justin fucking Roiland. You can trace it all to that little nerd cocksucker easily. The minute he came into Hirsch's life it all went to shit and i know some of you know this but don;t wanna admit it because you worship both these faggots.