Worst /co/ pilots

No.95840403 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Just got done watching this again and I gotta say, no ill will towards the creators or anything but this has to be one of the most bland pieces of animation I've ever seen. I've watched it a few times since it came out and I forget everything that happens in it every time.

The animation is bland flash crap, neither of the main characters are distinct in any way from each other, nothing really happens, there's no identifiable jokes. The only thing I felt while watching this was annoyance at one of them being an annoying fangirl pushing Doctor Who. The only reason I've come back to watch this multiple times is because I remember hating it, but for the life of me I can never even remember the main characters' names.

Can ANYONE explain to me where the potential is here for a series? Could anything short of a complete revamp fill a season's worth of content?

Also share more shitty pilots.