No.95812050 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Rock Climbing" Edition
Hey /co/! Join us on the crazy train into Gotham as we watch Jim Gordon fuck his shit up!

Tonight's Episode:

4.3: "They Who Hide Behind Masks" (Oct 5th)
> Gordon takes matters into his own hands when he travels to Miami in attempts to persuade Carmine Falcone for his help in the fight against Penguin. There, he meets Carmine's (guest star John Doman) daughter, Sofia (Crystal Reed), who unexpectedly follows Gordon back to Gotham. The battle for Penguin's prized weaponry continues during auction night at the Iceberg Lounge and Bruce's presence puts him on Penguin's radar.

Our GCPD issued Pastebin is available here:

It's full of great stuff like our previous discussion threads, and social media accounts for our Gothamites.
By the way, DesuStorage fucking died over the summer, so some of the links have been changed; others might be lost permanently.

Penguin's Seasonal Body Counts:
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3: