No.95599514 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So given this week's episode's retcon of Beth being a Bad Seed type psycho-kid who sought to use mind control/mind rape to make people love her, murder anyone she was jealous of, and generally being so cray-cray that Rick had to create a pocket dimension to imprison her in to keep her from murdering innocent classmates, how does this affect the Jerry/Beth hook up that resulted in Summer's birth and their shotgun marriage?

Even ignoring the "Jerry is an evil parasite/manipulator" meme Rick keeps pushing, how did they hook up? Granted, we don't know anything about Jerry's past, plus the fact that Summer was a legit unwanted pregnancy, as opposed to Beth purposely getting knocked up to trap Jerry.

So did Jerry tamper with his condoms to impregnate Beth and trap her into marriage? Did Beth's mom and Jerry's parents wholesale force Beth to marry Jerry once she got knocked up? And why didn't Beth get the abortion over Jerry's objection? Did her mother push for her to abort? Did Beth MURDER her mom for freaking out over her getting knocked up?