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Cookies And Milk Edition



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Upcoming Episodes:

Future Tense
>When Mom and Dad meet a new accomplished family, they worry that their kids aren't doing enough activities to ensure a successful future.
DL: https://mega.nz/#!lUMSWRLQ!8Qrnpday4lozA34wrD-YgxJQ5P9-WAIuXPeYd5XakLs
DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dEJ8liTP2iRkltcVRrMlp4dDA/

>The Loud sisters need help from the "master of persuasion", AKA Lincoln. He will teach them how they can ask Mom and Dad for money.
DL: https://mega.nz/#!84VVECSB!ZhdUsOx6yq9SFP8pBw6LMf-QwftPieG0qBgUREy4AM4
DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dEJ8liTP2iZ0M2cDVQdXpYQkU/

Friend or Faux
>Lisa gets her kindergarten report card back to discover she’s gotten an F– in social skills. To bring up her grade, she must make a friend.
DL: https://mega.nz/#!dl8xSbpL!-j8oX_fNk-n2QHFiDICmRcprEbczZSE8tRXuB0gmYQA
DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dEJ8liTP2iaFA1MGk1YWpBazg/

No Laughing Matter
>When Luan realizes how her siblings complain about her jokes, she gives up her passion. But the others feel bad about it, so they have to show Luan that she is funny.
DL: https://mega.nz/#!t5dBECRA!C02B05hMCmcDt_s3kImn0UaH5Qb2U4e69dessJf0Vxc
DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dEJ8liTP2ibGhWWktPT1NYTG8/

No Spoilers (Airdate: TBA)
>Knowing Leni’s history of spoiling surprises, the kids decide not to tell her about Mom’s upcoming party. But keeping Leni away is no easy task

Halloween Special Next Month: