No.95570500 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This was fucking disgusting. I wouldn't even mind the who kid goes after teenageer if they actually fucking bothered to develop their relationship.
Zilch for two seasons and then suddenly the OVAs comes along and has Yugo getting all sappy wanting to put his dick into Amelia. For no reason whatsoever Amelia reciprocates his feelings despite him being a little kid making the whole thing strange as fuck.
It'd be like if Dipper and Wendy legit got together except at least in Dipper's case it's been established for several seasons he's been crushing on her.

What do they with season 3? Some sideways glances and blushes then bam they share a kiss.

Eva and pipin's development was done much better. It came off as half assed and outta nowhere.
Would have been better if they cut out all the romance bits between Yugo and Amelia.
If they wanted romance Pipin and Eva were still good for that.