OK K.O.! Let's be heroes!

No.94871669 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Stop picking on Elodie and calling her shit. She's not a monster.

I know it's hard for you spergs to understand, but she made a mistake and can't bring herself to admit it.

She lost to Enid but got spared at the last minute, pitied by someone who was supposed to be her equal. She was REEEEEing hard when she shot Enid in the back.

Then Enid went to congratulate her and she realized that she wasn't spared due to pity, but friendship. She realized that Enid was not only stronger than her, but a better person as well.

They couldn't be friends anymore since she was going to be off to the academy, and she'd already betrayed Enid and acted like a bitch, so she leaned into it in a (poor) attempt to spare Enid's feelings.

Elodie a best, it's all Enid's fault for pulling her punches