Thor vs. Religion

No.94826966 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, I recently read Thor: Heaven & Earth #3, in which Thor has a deathbed conversation with a Christian preacher whom he's evidently been talking with for some time, who has been challenging his faith in the Christian god vs. the irrefutable fact that Thor is walking the streets of New York. It's a neat little story, and you can find it here:

Still, it's made me curious: in reality, what do you think *would* happen if Thor were to walk this modern world, in which the Abrahamic faiths have taken root so firmly? Would there be outpourings of anti-Thor protests from Christians and Muslims? Would there be an upsurge in Neo-Nordic Paganism?

Would Thor himself harbor some level of grudge against modern monotheistic beliefs? After all, he's not Superman - the all-loving, all-forgiving boy scout schtick has never been one he's tried to shoulder. Might there be, under his heroic attempts to put it aside, a certain resentment of the way that the reverence he was used to when he last walked Midgard all those centuries ago has been forgotten and he himself consigned to the realm of myth and fantasy?

For the sake of structure, let's presume that this is taking place in a world where the Abrahamics aren't in the right; it was not their One God, Alpha and Omega who made everything. There may have been a Judaic war god who sought power by leading his worshippers to henotheism, but he has been abandoned by his own former faithful. Jesus Christ may have lived, as man, mutant or other, but God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit does not claim sole dominion over this world.