Marvel Schedules Conference Call With ComicsPRO Comic Stores Over Marvel Legacy Concern

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The response to last week’s Marvel Legacy announcements has not been an overly positive one. Bleeding Cool has argued that much of this was down to the marketing of the announcements, the idea of showing all the monthly October titles, including a few new titles, as reflecting comic books of the past was a good one. But marketing it as changing the entire comics industry felt like a wrong step. The only named creator on the books is Greg Pak on Weapon X and it is likely that creator names will have more of an impact. As will story content, the mini-series, that will run around the books and the renumbering of the line to reflect all the series that have come before. The covers are fun, and some of the new titles like Spirits Of Vengeance and Marvel Two-In-One intrigue. Maybe it would have been better to have led with them? And if indeed Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing Captain America, that would have been a pretty good thing to say as well. As it stands, I think Marvel’s greatest sin is around presentation.
Well, they get another chance on Thursday. I understand that members of the ComicsPro comic book retailer advocacy group have a group call scheduled with Marvel head honchos this Friday, partially in response to what has clearly been a tepid response to last Friday’s announcements.