Mordecai thread

No.93240347 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was he actually depressed throughout the series or was it just something that you might read into too much? Aside from his lady troubles leading him to often mope and even be confirmed depressed in one episode, he wasn't fond of his job (called it dead-end, went to a job fair in a cut scene from the movie, and in the movie itself said "I couldn't stay at the park forever, I needed to think about my career) and in the Stuck in an Elevator episode, rather than just having a giving up of getting out line, went on this whole tangent about their lives being shitty now.

So again, did he have depression or was it just a thing? I mean obviously they couldn't have an episode about him getting medication for it, and he also seemed fine most of the time, but maybe it was just something underneath the surface?