No.93161321 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Established that Aku watched Jack for fifty years and became upset that he didn't age
>Established that Jack lost his sword immediately after his last encounter with Aku
>There is literally no feasible way that Aku wouldn't know that Jack lost his sword

>Established that the Daughters of Aku are a cult cemented by the long term absence of Aku, their presumed deity
>birth a new generation of fighters to kill the Samurai, in the hopes of bringing their God back to grace the world again
>This later becomes retconned into Aku actually returning directly to them and creating the daughters himself, negating the entire purpose of the Daughters of Aku

>All of the Daughters of Aku are killed off three episodes in, save for the love interest, while the scatting robot gets revived to do absolutely nothing

>Aku knows how to awaken his own powers in the daughters at will, knows of their existence, decides not to spawn seven Aku beasts that would surely immediately kill Jack in his drunken, swordless depressive state

>Jack has always known that mediating would bring him to the spirit world and allow him to reclaim his sword, decides not to do this until the absolute last second

>Ghost Scotsman pledges to find Jack and make him the leader of a new army, instead doesn't do this ever

>Jack's entire Suicidal Redemption Arc was that there are countless innocents he's saved, and so much of an impact he's had on the future world, that it would be wrong to take his own life just because his own way home is destroyed
>Logically, the conclusion to the story would then be that the hero accepts his losses and makes peace with what he doesn't have
>Instead the love interest gains a time traveling power out of absolutely nowhere and teleports our hero directly into a hackneyed "bittersweet" ending

Wait a minute...something's wrong here...