No.93051883 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I hate Lunella!
>She's one of Marvel's stupid new Inhuman pushes!
She hates being an inhuman and her Inhuman power to switch minds with DD has only caused her problems.
>She's supposed to be the smartest when she just solved a dumb puzzle!
She weaponized a soda bottle and a megaspeaker, built a device to track the terragenesis cloud out of an old arcade machine, reverse engineered a prototype Cerebro to track an individual across the past, present, and possible futures- accidentally creating a time machine in the process. Also, she built a fully functional spaceship out of parts from the dump.
>She's a Mary Sue who can do no wrong!
The series makes no bones about the fact that Lunella is a pretentious little shit. She scoffed at Dr. FUCKING Strange and said magic doesn't exist, and Strange told her in no uncertain terms she has a lot left to learn. She's just now realizing she can't act on her own forever. She needs friends, which is what Devil Dinosaur taught her.
>Well she's kiddie shit!
Did you complain about Power Pack?
>She's another shitty SJW legacy character?
Are you REALLY a fan of fucking Moon Boy? Be honest. Name five notable things fucking Moon Boy ever did.
>Her guest appearances are shit.
No argument there.