Joe Quesada Created The Fake X-Men Comics For LOGAN

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>Joe Quesada did those covers. This was an idea that I had with Scott Frank, my writing partner, that Logan and Charles and any other remaining mutants in the future would be living under the weight of their own legacy and celebrity – much like sports stars and heroes and astronauts and movie stars live under. And that it would be really interesting to examine what it's like to be a superhero in twilight, living under the weight of the exaggerations and truths of what's been told and said about you. So all of those things lived in our universe – comic books, action figures, all of it. It's all vintage in the future point of our movie, but it's a kind of legacy that is both something, for some of the characters they're proud, and for other characters it's a kind of noose around their neck.

I really like that in this universe/timeline, because the mutants are known to mankind, that they have influenced popular culture - even with the First Class era costumes being used. We saw similar things in Captain America TFA and Hellboy