Can we talk about this show for a sec?

No.88450263 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like this cartoon was a let down. not that it''s trash or that it's horrible but i was honestly expecting something of xiaolin showdown caliber, what with the focus being put on action, magical artifacts, and humor.

after watching a decent amount of episodes i feel 2 things about it.

1.this cartoon is fairly decent and a sure step up from teen titans go, but there isn't anything about it that sets it apart from anything else. I wouldn't say it's BLAND, it's just seems like it straddling the line of being really manufactured. every thing about it seems shallow, fun but shallow...

2.i think this IP would be better as a game. Think ratchet&clank but instead of traveling through space with guns your venturing through the kingdom with magi-swords. I feel like the Lol,So Random!!1ness and the magi-swords gimmick would be better appreciated in a interactive setting. the show already is entertaining a """""interactive experience""""" with the whole ''get your own magi sword by scanning the tv with this app!!!1!" thing but if you left the flavor of the show the same but instead format it as a game i would really be into that, i dout that will ever happen but a lurker can dream...

3.BonusPoint- Vambre is a qt and i like her, as shallow as this show may be

so what do ya'll think?