South Park - "The Damned"

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Well howdy everyone! It's me, your old pal Butters! Boy oh boy, this week sure flew by fast, one minute it was Wednesday, and poof, it's Wednesday again! Gee whiz, I sure am excited for the brand new episode of South Park airing tonight at 10/9c, oh hey, that's just three hours from this post, neato!

>The Damned - When Cartman seemingly vanishes from social media, the police begin to conduct an investigation into the matter; Gerald continues with his indiscriminate online bullying campaign and is ecstatic about the media attention he is getting.

Oh hamburgers, I sure do feel bad for what we had to do to Cartman last week. And it was all for no reason too, cause he wasn't even skankhunt42 to begin with! He really didn't do it this time! Now the girls are all breaking up with the boys, and everyone's all sad and miserable and dead inside.... well, except for me, my girlfriend's Canadian! Oh, and I guess Craig and Tweek are okay too, but that's only because they're gay.