No.85682887 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Poor Gillen has to kickstart the next Uber volume.

and Alan Moore likes it

>“Situating the superhuman in its only credible real-life context, UBER gives us an appallingly logical and brilliantly-imagined world where the Third Reich’s science lived up to its rhetoric. In a carefully-realized geopolitical landscape, the giant names of the Second World War act out their revised destinies to jaw-dropping and spectacular effect, with Kieron Gillen right at the top of his dazzling form and his artistic collaborators expertly embellishing the vast historical canvas he’s prepared for them. Making fifteen-foot-tall invulnerable monsters with reality-warping psychic abilities seem as acceptable and grimly inevitable in its alternate timeline as nuclear weapons came to seem in ours, UBER is simply the most compelling, addictive and ambitious ongoing comic-book series that I have seen in years. Unless you happen to be made of vapour, it will grip you and refuse to let you go.”