
No.83084151 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, so I see a lot of people shipping these to but I want to ask, why? I haven't liked a Disney movie in a long time, but this has really good, human development and good messages. Nick and Judy's relationship was well developed for what it was in the time they spent together, but I feel like fans are trying to hard to force them as a couple. I liked that they could be friends, we never see good male and female friendships in movies, we finally get one and you guys want to rush them together in an Anna and Svenn like fashion.
>inb4 "but what about I love you"
Friends say that to each other all the time. I say that to all my friends regardless of their sex, and my best friend who happens to be the opposite sex. Why do we have to be so against having loving friendships without fucking?