No.77566657 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have been an occasional comic reader for a decade or so now, but my habit is to binge a lot at once, and maybe follow a handful of current stuff sometimes. Just got a Marvel Unlimited subscription, gonna give it a shot for a month. Caught up on the new Nova and Ms. Marvel, liked those well enough, but NEED MORE. Recommend me shit and I will read it.

I don't care how old it is, as long as it's quality
Marvel Unlimited sucks at new stuff (last 6 months or so), so bear that in mind
Marvel Unlimited is also a goddamned peice of shit when it comes to organizing events and crossovers with tags or whatever, so if you've got a list for anything of that nature, PREFERRED.

Past favorites include:
All of the good Cosmic run (you know what I mean)
The Incredible Hercules
Hulk stuff
Avengers Academy (even if it wasn't amazing)
Mighty Avengers
Random Stuff, Idunno

Recommend me whatever.