No.130201023 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Barry goes back in time to save Mom, gets knocked out of speed force on the way back by Reverse-Flash, ends up in alternate 2013 with another Barry where his parents are alive.

Zod shows up. Barry freaks because they can't find Superman. He tries to assemble the Justice League but can't find Wonder Woman, Cyborg hasn't been in his accident yet, and Aquaman was never born. But alt-Barry says there is a Batman in this univers, who is Keaton, all crazed with long hair.

He isn't Batman anymore because Gotham is one of the safest cities on earth. He explains the Multiverse and that when Barry changed something in time, time is a fulcrum, so it impacted events in both directions. You can have universes with all kinds of combinations of things but some certain points always seem to happen.

Bruce doesn't want to help. Barry gets into the Batcave and uses the computer and a backdoor connection into NASA to locate where he thinks a Kryptonian pod was found. The alien is being held in Siberia. The Barries go to find Clark and Bruce is going. They fly in the Batwing.

At the Siberian base, they find it isn't Clark, it's Kara. She's super weak. After they get her out she says she's Kal-El's cousin and was sent after him, but their pods were separated and she doesn't know where he is. They end up going to the desert to fight Zod, who says they found Kal-El's pod and murdered him as an infant. They learned the codex was hidden away with Kara.

Fight happens and Supergirl and Batman die. The two Barries go back in time to try and save them, but Supergirl and Batman die again. Main Barry thinks this is one of those points that always has to happen, but alt-Barry becomes obsessed with saving Supergirl, getting more and more injured as he keeps going back in time and fighting the Kryptonians.