Look what happened to animation

No.130199032 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Netflix cancelled and pretty much destroyed what's left of its animation team except interns of Dreamworks that are animating some hack job shows
>Viacom had nothing but spongebob because they keep shooting themselves in the foot for not allowing other shows to flourish, make some cheap spinoffs that only got "popular" because thats all it has on the shit service
>Adult Swim is pretty much bankrupt due to merging issues and is up for sale, relies on making shockjock shit to stay relevant
>CN is making toddler garbage and is loosing to indian cheap shit like CocoMelon
>Disney is fucked up, not going to explain what happened
Hmmm notice that all of this happened... When Smiling Friends got greenlit? It's like everything went to fucking shit when Smiling Friends got greenlit in television and all the other cartoons projects got trashed. Its like someone warned that this would happen and no one paid attention. OH YEAH THAT WAS ME, LOOKS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED, THE FUCKING ANIMATION DEPARTMENT GOT FUCKED OVER BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING SHOW MOTHERFUCKER! HOW DOES IT FUCKING FEEL THAT YOU FUCKED OVER THE ANIMATION INDUSTRY INTO FUCKING NOTHING AND MADE IT INTO FUCKING SHIT LIKE THE 1970S YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!