The real power of ant man

No.130181497 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ant man real power is the most autistic power of all superpowers if comic writers realized how absurd are controlling ants armies.

Ants literally engage in resources and territorial wars to kill, destroy, loot, eat nearby colonies.

Imagine like a massive WWII war between two armies made of millions of soldiers and civilians, while using a wide range of military specialized soldier units.

They also have evolved from armored tank supersoldier units with mandibles that can cut human skin to suicide units that basically explode in some corrosive explosion killing nearby enemy ants, to literal chemical artillery to fight enemy ants, as well as units that can basically fly jumping like paratroopers, as well as zerg rushers of smaller worker soldiers to swam enemy bigger units with numbers.

An ant is literally born into a specific worker or combat role, or can be given trans hormones to become a soldier to be recruited for a front.

And this happens every day, in billions of fronts in every square mile of the planet, since at least 100 million years.

Warhammer 40k is just a picnic in autistic scale compared to ant wars.

Also, ants are 15% of the entire animal biomass on the planet, and there's 1.5 billion ants for every human on the planet.

And no, not even nukes could defeat ants.
Ants would literally destroy and consume every other living being on the planet if they coordinated their armies.
The only reason why ants aren't OP as fuck is that they only care about killing and eating other ants.