No.128066337 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This was my initial tip-off. I was fine with the pilot until the end when this thing popped out of the TV. Then my eyes were opened and I saw that this shit was literally designed for 12 year olds to get hyped over their favorite youtuber "making it" so they can be mildly enthused enough to go back to their pointless avocado onions boy vapor-economy shit stain of a "job", and earn enough for this months HRT treatment, and be a working boy just like the Smiling Friends! Ever since I watched the trailer(barely saw it, I've been out of the loop since quitting coming to this no taste having dump months ago) I'm certain now that Zach Hadel is a fucking hack. All the janky low FPS animation and lack of cohesion between characters and backgrounds in the trailer makes it clear he's incapable of anything but shit tier doodles. Oney and his friends are the "Odd Future" of the 2020s except instead of a bunch of 15-20 year old niggers it's a few 30+ white boys which makes it extra weird and pathetic. I'd warrant to say even Tyler, the Creator's forays in animation have more value than this. This show is like a visual pop-up shop food truck instagram experience of a piece of media. The product is SHIT but they'll still lap it up because the twitter echochamber told them to and they need to be apart of it, zoomers can't just consoom they have to participate like reciting their favorite rapper or pop stars lyrics at their shows or donating to millionaires on twitch, and they need to be seen doing it. Adult Swim was always shit even when all they could do was repurpose Hanna-Barbera assets with dogshit scripts and this is just the maggot feeding on its rotting suicidal post-op tranny of a corpse. Fuck anyone who endorses this embarassing piece of trash, Fuck the no effort self-fellating cannibalistic sodomist beast twitter "talent" sphere, and Fuck the himalayan salt gamer girl bath water patreon start-up bullshit culture that produced this social media ephemera. I have spoken.