Why couldnt Gravity Falls be about these three?

No.126348999 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>It would be based in high school
>Dipper: A nerdy genius and super crackpot in training, excels at everything but social situations, sports and normal teen trends. Crushes hard on the bad super punk Wendy and Develops a sercret rivalry foemance with Pacifica.
>Pacifica: Hot blonde teen sensation and rich princess of highschool that gets roped in with the dorky and unpopular nerd Dipper, develops sort of a secret crush on Dipper and rivals his smarts with her charisma and school cred, mostly fights with Wendy about Dipper.
>Wendy: The girl you dont want to piss off and will literally beat you to death for looking at her funny, she makes the anti hero/lancer part of the trio, dates boys she secretly hates and eventally beats them up, looks after Dipper as a sort little brother and teaches him how to be more open, and develops a hostile rivalry with Pacifica and later a sort strong sisterly bond with her

Would you watch it? Does Mabel need to be included?