Disney is Censoring Amphibia's "True Colors"

No.122869124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Despite being reviewed multiple times in production, Disney saw the finished episode and they want to censor it. They pulled at the last minute and they are forcing Matt Braly to rewrite and reanimate the ending to a watered down version where someone does not die but instead gets taken away or kidnapped.

They are editing it to something more child appropriate. Whatever was changed will domino Matt Braly and crew causing them to alter plans for Season 3, this might lead to longer delays for it due to the rewrites, retakes, and possibly shelving episodes resulting in a rushed and truncated Season 3 filled with plot holes and sloppy execution. There will be an indefinite hiatus at Amphibia Season 3 is being rewritten. We can't blame the crew since this whole mess was Disney's fault. They actively want to ruin a creator's vision just so they can make thing suitable for kids. Well, animation should never be for only children. It should be something all audiences can enjoy.

It will never air probably until 1-2 months later, or even into 2022.

Right now, it is banned and not a word has been said. Disney ruined this show and they made it awful.