No.122267309 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Squid ward here. I'm fucked. Your probably wondering just how I got here. Two days ago, it was just like any other day at the krusty krab. Spongebob, and crabs was shoving quarters up his ass trying to be slick about it when everyone could hear him. But then, that dumbass Patrick walked in. Surprisingly, his fat ass didn't walk in here to get food. He instead started going on and on about how starfish are oppressed and get no rights in this country. Mr crabs realized he could get cancelled on Twitter for this so he made him an employee. I checked out of work early. I went home and got out the classic heater. I went at exactly 7:45 because they take out the trash at 8. I knew Patrick would be there because spongebob always gives crabs his routine dick-flattening appointment at 8 while the 2nd employee takes out the trash. I hid behind the dumpster as Patrick walked out the back door. Since I was on the opposite side of the dumpster he didn't see me. I jumped out and unloaded 4 rounds into that bastards chest. I ran off, adrenaline pumping. I hid in a bush a few yards away. I thought to myself, "what the hell did I just do?" As I gazed upon his corpse. Sponge oh ran out, vice in hand to investigate what had happened. "Spongebob, my dick still has a circumference get back here." But when he ran out he was silent. They called 911. I knew I had to get out because if the cops saw me around I was fucked. I went home and burnt the gun in a vat of acid I had just in case anything like this ever happened. It came in handy, I guess. I then weakened the acid with water, and dumped it down my drain. I went to bed exhausted. The next morning I turned on the tv and the news was on. There was an ongoing investigation. And then my heart stopped when I heard, "the police have identified a possible suspect." Luckily it was old man Jenkins, since he was an open second amendment enthusiast and was publicly racist to starfish. I slept all day, and here I am now. What should I do next?