No.120835924 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would YOU rebuild Star V.S. ?
I was thinking something along the lines of:

> don't touch much of seasons 1 and 2, but iron out the wrinkles and do something different after battle of mewni
> either edit the blood moon ball or just ditch the whole thing and make a joke where some random shitty couple gets entertwined for eternity
> have toffee survive the battle of mewni
> make eclipsa more of a morally ambiguous character, but keep her somewhere in the good alignment
> make the racism subplot realistic
> make star less autistic
> make that one guy seth from the lorebooks the final boss; mina can be the starscream of the series or something
> solve the autism that is the ship wars; make everyone satisfied. i know i'm biased as fuck, but starco and jantom seem fine. just don't to retarded shit like ofscreen dump kelly or make jackie relevant.
> do something better with meteora and mariposa than some one-off adventure
> do something for the finale that doesn't make everyone look like a retarded asshole
> and then end it off in a post-credits showing the original universe

thoughts? am i a retarded faggot? you decide.