The Future State of DC

No.120804257 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just to be clear, I am trying not to troll or bait. I am being 100% genuine. I have to ask, Why is no one talking about DC comics? There are almost NO storytimes for any of their books. No discussions. Not even storytimes for Dark Detective, Justice League, Teen Titans, Robin Eternal, Superwoman, or WonderWoman/Superman! The only books storytimed are Ambush Bug, Green Lantern Season 2, and Love is a Battlefield. And last week there were no storytimes for Flash or Superman. And other than Wonder Woman, almost none of the books had any discussion. Even Batman had almost no one talking in the thread. How is a Batman book late?!!!! He’s Batman! He is usually the first to be storytimed? What happened? Why does no one care about DC comics right now? Especially since they are putting out the most original and ground-breaking material out there? Yet no one seems to care about any of these amazing books? Do people just hate originality? These books are suppose to be shaping the future of DC and no one is talking about it. There isn’t even media presence about these books. Why isn’t anyone talking about Jon Kent as Superman or Swamp-Thing? Is this the darkest era of DC? As an avid and huge fan of these books, it makes me sad that people are ignoring them all sans Wonder Woman. Especially everyone ignoring the Flash book.