How come Kid Cosmic doesn’t get as much word-of-mouth as other new shows?

No.120427433 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Was announced 3-4 years back
> Production was completed in 2019
>Didn’t get an official trailer until now.

What went wrong? I don’t hear much people on YouTube talk about this, U know Saberspark brought it up once. Maybe a few people on Instagram and Twitter but not much. You’d expect from someone who loved PPG, Wander, and Fosters to be hyping this show up by now.

Even big name animators like Genndy, Disney Shows, Nick still gets talked about when any of their new projects get revealed.

What is the fate of this show?
Will it end up being a cult classic status?
Or a one hit wonder?

Hope this gets a few more trailers by it’s release next month and finally wow us.