Let's talk.

No.119535050 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's face it, it's happening. It's time to have the conversation. Thoughts, feelings? Expectations? I'll throw some talking points out there. This is a classic case of Sony getting too excited again. Tobey goes without saying but I'm really curious about anything Andrew has to do with this, I'm excited to see him again in what will most likely be a better story. I dread the fact that Peter's identity storyline may be brushed under the rug and given the Aunt May reveal treatment. Feige said he wanted to show "The conversation" on screen and we didn't even get a hint towards that, if anything we got the opposite. It seems to be the same thing here since this was meant to be a "Peter" centric film. I love the MCU Spidey but I'm starting to lean towards some of the criticisms he receives, not because of Tom, but because of the circumstances surrounding him. We WILL get a (Raimi) Spider-Man 4 out of this. Discuss.