Oh Joy Sex Toy

No.119092440 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever fallen in love, anon?
And experienced that kind of pain afterward?

I haven't
I am almost unable to hate anyone no matter how much of an asshole they can be
(I can get angry at them, though)
So sometimes, I wonder, does that mean I am also unable to actually love and feel like that?
I can find a woman sexually attractive, though and wanting to consensually bone her
But Never have I loved.
No woman has ever made me shaken my heart, completed me like it felt we were meant for each other
No woman has ever broken my heart
No woman has ever made me suffer and made me fall apart like there is no tomorrow
Is it normal that I sometimes wish I could experience such pain?
And if love is not for me, then why do I enjoy the most sappy kind of romance in fiction and always cheer up when the protagonist finally get to be with their true love?
Does this simply means I haven't found my true love yet?

The thing is, I am actually fine and quite happy living on my own
I never feel like there is any kind of void that need to be filled
And I'd much prefer living on my own than living in a relationship with someone where we would made each other unhappy or miserable.
And yet, sometimes, I wonder... Am I missing out, /co/?