No.118655765 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So the girl in the full version of this pic has a HUGE, disproportionally large ass. She's walking sorta casually, and as you can see her tits are monsterously big too. And huge kinda nasty looking nipples too. They looked like actual turds tBh. But the main attraction is clearly her asshole, which is clearly visible and also fucking gigantic. Bigger than her head. And of course, she's farting. And you just know by the way the tawny gas cloud was drawn and how the "Pooooot" sounds effect is written that this is one of those "steady" farts where it comes out all slow and sounds like a 5-year-old's first time trying to play the trumpet. And so she's walking, and from the fat left side of the image is a drooling dog or maybe wolf i don't fucking know, and he's drooling and following the scent. And the girl says, no joke:
>"uh oh, are my farts making doggy hungry?? <33"
Oh yeah, there's also green hearts in the fart cloud and near her face.