No.118181723 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Hey kids! Let us show you our new movie, it's all about the monsters in your closet! Oh but don't be scared, they're not scaring you because they want to hurt you, it's just their job!

>It's totally not scary how these interdimensional beings who defy all known human biology have the technology to casually open doors directly towards to the rooms of our little unprotected children while they're asleep!

>Don't worry children, they just want to scare you to obtain energy for their world! To them it's like working on a factory or a mine, except they're consciously aware that they're scaring the young beings of a more primitive species from another dimension, or from a different planet? Their world has monsters of their own so that means that they probably know how much psychological damage they are causing to these other creatures...

>Creatures that they seem to know a whole lot about, they have total understanding of our psychology to the point where they can send in the exact monsters who will scare the living crap out of them, how do they know all of this? Do they watch us? Study us? Have they brought some humans to their world and experimented on them? Don't think about it! Look at Mike Wazowski! The funny little green eyeball with pointed teeth who is told that he is not scary but would surely make you shit your pants if you saw him in the middle of the night staring at you! He's funny! Ha ha!

Monsters Inc. is a pretty fucked up concept.