Does /co/ still like Mera?

No.117387112 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remember a couple of years ago before the movie came out, we had at least one thread per week about how Mera was one of the few good female characters in comics and everyone agree or how she was a god tier level of waifu (she still is)

But now since the shitshow between Heard/Depp, people can't seem to be able to separate the actress who plays the character in the movie with her comic book version
Because every time that there is a mention of Mera the comic book character here or in twitter/youtube immediately goes back to the Amber Heard shit.
Are we really that dumb that we cant separate two different things? You can still hate Amber Heard but love Mera
Even with Captain Marvel people can talk about her comic book version without mention Brie Larson
And just for the record yeah fuck Amber, cast another actress