
No.117147320 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just binged this. It's bad but not anywhere near as terrible as I thought it would be, still pretty bad though.

It's essentially the "Profanity = Funny" approach on steroids. A bad or at least tired joke isn't better just because it's interlaced with "fuck" or "shit" every other word, it's still a bad joke.

Also, the main character is an asshole. Not that an asshole can't a great comedic character but if they aren't really given anything funny to say, they're just unpleasant. He does get some sympathy points when we find out he was raised by an egotistical single father who neglected him and his ex-wife started out encouraging him to act like an asshole for years until she too started to neglect him. And sure, he does two unselfish things, tell the gay kid's ex-BF to stop being a salty bitch and finally signing the divorce papers. But in the end, this is still a show about an asshole who abuses children in an attempt to humiliate his father by outshining him, which is really uncomfortable to watch if there's nothing funny going on.