No.117053898 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Titty threads have gotten fucking boring, a new one pops up a few hours after the last and it's the same pictures with barely any discussion. Since I know one is going to pop up in a few hours I want to get ahead of it, let's workshop a comic/cartoon. As far as ground rules go the only thing I can think that's important enough to mention is that it has to be able to be airable, it can't be straight up pornography

Let's start by posting some ideas (or full concepts) we have and work from there. Things like
>who's the target audience? Is it specifically for adults or could it theoretically be all ages?
>Who is the main character? Are they male or female? Are they flat or stacked?
>What is the world like? Is everybody top heavy? Only a few? Maybe a specific nation of titcows like Tansisa?
>What's the genre? Slice of life like Welcome to chastity? Superheroes like Golden Girl? Maybe a drama?