The Problem With Spider-Woman

No.116608734 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's hard to think of a Marvel character more fucked than Jessica Drew, second only to maybe Tigra. What the hell is Marvel even trying to do with her anymore besides get mileage out of the "Spider" brand name Peter has worked so hard to establish. Are they just now, after so many years, trying to make her a part of Peter's super-family? Just look at this costume. Moreover
>Doesn't spin a web
>Even more irrelevant now thanks to Miles stealing her signature move
>Has to compete with Ghost Spider, Anya, and Silk
>Her most relevant costar is Carol
>Entire gimmick now is "Hey she's a mom now!"
What the hell can you do with Spider-Woman anymore? How can we "fix" her? It's kind of hard when her entire purpose for existing is to sit on a patent