Which Writer has taken the biggest shit on lore/mythos in the big two?

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Is it Aaron? Bendis? King? most bad writers/takes in comics seem to come from the writer not even reading comics which means the can fuck a character over in the present but their past/backstory is more or less safe (hard to ruin something you don't know) but you do get the occasional unexpected bout of a writer adding backstory to a character and in some cases shitting all over/undermining whats already there. Whose the worst at this?
For my money it's Aaron.
>Mjolnir always had the worthy requirement making Thors origin completely redundant
>Phoenix had a previous human host so the entire explanation for the Phoenix Saga is tossed out the window since Jean was supposed to be the first human host it's ever had. Oh and it's evil by nature I guess Mastermind's role in the Saga was redundant and Rachel was just a decades long fluke
>Death was actually just the voices in Thanos head oh did I mention she talks to him constantly?
It's like a combination of not reading comics and wanting to look like you did. was it wikifaggotry? or just reading comprehension so stunted that he kept missing the point completely?
The closest thing I can think of is Quesada with Spider-Man but even that was relegated to one character/storyline (I'm not counting OMD because that was using magic/time travel, I mean retconning in something like it was always there not reality warping explicitly).