No.113977683 ViewReplyOriginalReport
All 90s cartoons were complete and utter trash. Ugly, headache causing animation styles with cheap, idiotic stories that had little humor and no real plot other than “how many bright flashing colors can we spam until the children watching get a seizure?” Clearly the only people who enjoyed the abhorrent filth of these cartoons were troglodytes who became ridden with ADHD as a result of the screeching voices and rapidly flashing frames. Ignore the millennials and their “nostalgia” whom, coincidentally, comprise one of the worst performing generations, likely in part to the brain rotting garbage they were exposed to in their formative years. Instead, I implore you to attempt to watch an episode of this Dexters Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, Billy and Mandy, Power Puff Girls, and so forth, and honestly tell yourself that these cartoons are anything but putrid foulness to view.