Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

No.113898307 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So Jennika is the turtles Older Sister Figure now that Splinter is dead. So they randomly killed off Splinter to replace him with Jennika. Now it makes sense why Jennika stuck like glue to Splinter and barely interacted with the turtles. It was to have Splinter pass his wisdom to her because he was in the middle of a falling out with his own sons and he never truly made up with them. What convoluted out of left field garbage. Jennika is a horrible mistake. She's doing what April does in some incarnations while the writers made room for Jennika by killing Splinter.

Anyone else hate all of this? Also that stupid retcon about Jennika liking that feral rat that could have had diseases? Bullshit again because she hated Splinter precisely because he was some sub-human freak who was replacing Shredder a human. They really are forcing Jennika.

Anyway TMNT thread.