No.113853124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The fundamental problem with trannies is that they deny science. There are two genders, this is a biological fact. We aren't jellyfish, the only people who don't fit either gender (MALE AND FEMALE) have biological disorders.

We need to teach people, americans especially, that this is what happens when you teach people that it's acceptable to deny science.
Don't let people just BELIEVE that vaccines are bad, force them to understand that they are MURDERING their children.
Don't let people just BELIEVE in herbal remedies, force them to understand that they are just WASTING peoples time.
Don't let people just BELIEVE Velociraptors are lizard-like movie monsters, they have feathers, backed up by insurmountable physical evidence.

There are people on this very board who will deny some of the above statements because they don't like these facts.
You are part of the problem, you are no different from a twitter tranny, you're teaching yourself that it's ok to deny science to make yourself feel better.
STOP DOING THAT and we will have trannies out of comics