No.113652391 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the fuck happened to this show? I've been marathoning this entire show from Season 1 to Season 31 and from season 20 on each episode is a Lisa or Marge episodes. Even if the episode is somewhat seeming like it's about Bart or Homer? It ends up being about Lisa and her veganism, her liberal ideals, her buddhist beliefs, etc. One of the episodes in Season 30 has Bart and Homer doing E-Sports. Mid-way into the episode Lisa comes in and makes the episode about her and even ruins her brother's E-Sports career. The very next episode is about her and getting a female Itchy and Scratchy then the next episode is about her and Marge. The very next Episode is about Lisa going to Canada and saying she hates America.

This isn't even The Simpsons anymore that show died in Season 8. This is Lisa and her croney Marge's show now. Her own mother is now nothing more than a tool for Lisa's ideals and beliefs that she uses to get whatever she wants and has more control over Bart and Homer.