No.113136602 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i just binged this to dull the incel pain.
Most episodes can be considered filler, only 3 real plot episodes and a couple end credit plot scenes
Sprigs is the best character, he pulled a lot more weight around than Anna. Hop Pop is a close next.
i would have liked to see Anne being a push over a lot more to justify the season ending.
The world was pretty bland.
The magic system could've been more fleshed out with Maddie Flour.
There were a couple of plot holes that made a few episodes pointless, like Anne needing to charge her phone, but in a later episode you can see her charging it with a cable.
Scumbag mayor felt copy/pasted from Simpsons
Animation was alright, but nothing really standing out.
It's middle of the pact, nothing really bad, but nothing really good. If it does get later seasons i'm sure people will make a "see/skip" episode lists