Jessica Chastain in Talks to Play Gender-Swapped Reverse-Flash in The Flash

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Director Andy Muschietti spilled the beans his Flash movie will cover Flashpoint, confirming years of speculation. That being the case, you can’t have Flashpoint without Reverse-Flash anymore than he can exist without Barry Allen.

But Muschietti and writer Christina Hodson may have a twist up their sleeves that alters more than a timeline.

Chastain is in early talks to play the role and this idea for the sex change is the brainchild of Hodson which Muschietti is apparently all for too.
Muschietti, who signed on for The Flash last summer, called the story at the heart of the character “a beautiful human” one. Most recently, he told That Hashtag Show the version of Flashpoint will differ from what’s expected.

Flipping the gender of Reverse-Flash could be what he means and there is potential there. An Eobard Thawne, or whatever name they go with, played by Jessica Chastain can be related to Barry or even be his daughter, making the murder of his mom all the more tragic and personal.