No.112563954 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Chris Chan's life is so surreal and fascinating and sad that I kind of want to make a comic inspired by it

>But Rusty Brown already exists, and it'd just be looked at as a rip-off of that

Damn. Like, it's absurd how a dedicated community has put so much effort into documenting his life that there is literally more compiled personal information about regular people who just happen to be tangentially connected to him online than there is about most actually famous people. I'd want to do a bunch of mini-stories that focus on the lives of characters inspired by the community-college dean who expelled him, the traumatic upbringing of his movie-critic half-brother, and the girl who used to tolerate Chris' friendship until he drove her away with his continued advances and dragging of her reputation into his internet drama… but then I'd literally also be ripping off the format of both Rusty Brown AND Building Stories. And ironically, my comic would be as derivative as Sonichu is.

Damn you, Chris Ware.