Tom King breaks down the finale of his Batman run and teases Batman/Catwoman

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>ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: The marriage between Batman and Catwoman is finally real. Having already done the fake-out in issue #50, what did you feel needed to happen here to solidify it and make it feel real to both the readers and the characters?

TOM KING: I think to me, this has been true of my whole run, that Batman comes down to the vow [“I swear by the spirits of my parents to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of my life warring on all criminals”]. That’s what makes Batman different from all of us — the idea that he created himself from that vow, he created Batman, he saved the world all based on that vow. For him to say to her a version of that vow, “I will love you always,” to me that’s stronger than any deathtrap. It’s a reflection of that. He gave these two vows: One to his parents and one to Selina.