No.112186052 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I got Tom King's Mister Miracle for Christmas and read the whole thing in one sitting and right now I'm feeling like an absolute brainlet. Like, on a technical level I can tell that this is a very well made comic with some great concepts behind it. Not to mention I really loved the art in it.

But I just couldn't get into it. It felt overly pessimistic in tone and at times it was a slog to get through. And while I can kinda appreciate King's dedication, the overuse of the nine-panel grid got tiresome after a while. Not to mention I wasn't fan of the open-ending conclusion.

Like, I really want to like this book but I can't. Sorry for clogging up the board, I really just needed to rant. I think it might not have been a good idea to have read All-Star Superman right before starting Mister Miracle. The optimism of that book was an insanely stark contrast to MM's pessimism

Anyway, stupid rant done now.