The two's /co/mpany Tourney Pre-Thread!

!iho9VEaVKs No.111963862 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, sorrry for the delay folks, I meant to have this up sooner but life happens.
Forewarning, I'm the only person on hand for this tournament, so please don't expect as much polish as the past /co/lympus tournies, but I hope you have fun nonetheless... Without further ado now!

>What is the two's /co/mpany tourney?
The /co/mpany tournament a tag team, single elimination tournament (read: Popularity contest) event in which teams of two duke it out to become champions of /co/!


>countdown til Nominations

Test poll

Reminder: This is a PRE-THREAD. NO NOMINATIONS. This is to build hype and iron out any problems, okay?