Does Disney not know what to do with Frozen?

No.111408069 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Most of the scripting/production was little more than a year
>Leaks of a rushed ending where Elsa somehow survives despite it being tonal whiplash
>Entire movie fridges Elsa and pushes Anna as queen, a role she is wholly unqualified for
>Kristanna only happens when Elsa on her way out, yet the entire movie feels as if it was written for the 7 Kristanna shippers left
>Lee bizarrely shits on the Christmas special and other thoughts just months ago, insisting they're not canon.
>Entire film feels like a regression in character development for Elsa, to a point of creating a convoluted reasoning as to why she can't be queen --- a role she has been training for her entire life.

Why didn't Disney just higher better story boarders/writers? This movie was allegedly in the works for years, at least on paper.