No.111287686 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey there, hows the weather? Hope I didn't freeze your plans this week. I know it's snow laughing matter that the homeless are freezing to death, but at least you chill-dren don't have school or work now, yeah? Oh, you need to keep earning that cold hard cash? Sorry sugarplum, take a chill pill. Powers out? Eat some Frosted Flakes, I hear they're dime a dozen right now. Yeah yeah, things may have snowball'd a bit out of control, but I won't be giving you the cold shoulder much longer! Take some time to text that crush you've been texting, I've given you a real ice breaker of a reason to! The two of you won't be ice-olated much longer, so don't get cold feet on them. Catching up has been a real blizzard!