No.111008860 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Theatrical quality Looney Tunes shorts helmed by Browngardt
>Genndy killing it and getting work in traditional animation again
>Animaniacs reboot with Katie Rice and Steven Spielberg
>New Hanna-Barberaverse show helmed by Greenblatt
>New Zemeckis show that is the spiritual successor to Who Framed Roger Rabbit
>Space Jam 2 bringing back traditional animation to the big screen
>Rumored traditional feature in the works for Disney
>Higher budgeted shows like Glitch Techs being greenlit
>Even Spongebob looks the best it has in a decade
>Direct to streaming sequels to popular shows of the 10’s (Adventure Time, Steven Universe)
>CG films saturating market, losing ground
>Innovative new indie talent online, pushing against the conventions of the 10’s

Could we really be going back?